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Lean Six Sigma

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The 'best of' main reasons of failure (various sources: linkedin forums, personal experiences...).

  • Lack of commitment from management

The 'do as I say not as I do' attitude of many Senior Managers who pay lip service to the process,  Often middle managers who feel threatened by the process which empowers those at the coal face to makes decisions, and they work against the process, they are the gatekeepers of information up and down the chain and need to be completely bought in to the process!  But often it is the case that it is a trip into the unknown, that there is no clear destination and often a large amount of bureaucracy involved. People are worried that efficiency means less jobs but more work for those left...

  • Lack of ownership

Keep it simple and develop/use everyone's exiting skillset -don't expect operators or managers to become, excel, powerpoint or database experts overnight, make data & information collection simple, use hand drawn graphs & charts, minutes, as, if data input becomes too onerous people feel that they are not making any progress! Ensure people are addressing problems they can understand and ensure that when a task is complete all involved understand what they have achieved & celebrate it!

  • Wrong process selection.

It's not when the Titanic is sinking that you should start arranging the chairs on the deck... Don't try to use LSS to fix operating backlogs or management problems...

  • Timing. Beware of seasonal operating constraints.

  • Resources. Make sure LSS will not induce excessive overhead.


To be continued.

Lifelong Learning Center

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