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Project Management

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Profile combining:

  • Global knowledge of almost all Banking (Retail, Private Banking) and Funds areas (Administration, Transfer Agent, Custody, Asset Management).
  • Strong expertise with PM, BA, training, BPR and BPM techniques and in the design of new IT solutions (Custody, TA, Portfolio Compliance, Data warehouses…).
  • Track-record in many leadership positions: Branch Manager, Program / Project Manager, facilitator.
  • International experience in implementation and merger of IT solutions: TA (IRL, IT), FA (IT, FR), Custody (IT).  

Skills: project/programme management (PMI, PRINCE2), business analysis (BABOK), BPR/BPM/Quality (Lean Six Sigma), design and implementation of IT and Organisational Solutions, due diligence, tests plan, management cockpit, HR management, coaching and facilitation, training.  

Code of conduct. Steady focus on business objectives – deadlines – performances – deliverables – costs – quality - ownership

Lifelong Learning Center

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