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Operational excellence

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Training program: "Strategic Performance": 7 modules

This package is totally devoted to strategic management and is driven by practical guidelines and expertise sharing. Each module includes:

  • A chapter setting out fundamentals such as: strategic dimensions, business model, processes (characteristics, typologies, measures).
  • Workshops aiming at action plans preparing immediate application of the respective methodology. At the end of each session, participants are able to identify 'quick wins' and to turn theory into practice...

M1: Strategic management – Balanced scorecards

  • Management cockpit (balanced scorecards), indicators (KPI, KQI, KRI, KII...).
  • Strategic (critical) dimensions that must be measured: profitability, investments (IT, education), competitiveness, risks, innovation, performance.
  • Information channels (a strategic asset! A differentiator).
  • Process design and implementation master plan.

M2: Quality with Lean Six-Sigma.


  • Master plan to initiate and sustain Quality.
  • Process: characteristics, metrology.
  • Selection of the pilot process.
  • The LSS toolkit: DMAIC, Kaizen, SIPOC…
  • Your master plan.

This module is an excellent platform to design, run or contribute to a Quality Plan, to select the right methodology, to be Champion or Sponsor of an LSS initiative…

M3: Costs Containment with Lean Six-Sigma:

Identify and manage all costs centres: Operating costs, projects, structure, coordination... Headlines:

  • Strategy: dimensions, business model.
  • Cost containment toolbox: process roadmap and metrics, margin costs, activity based costing...
  • Lean Six Sigma.
  • Operating costs.
  • Structure and coordination costs.
  • IT project management costs.
  • Financial overhead.
  • Action plan.


M4: IT Strategy.

  • IT Master Plan, Projects scoring (NPV), success drivers.
  • Strategic alternatives: buy or build.
  • Cloud computing.

M5: Organisation

Efficiency = Ownership x Quality (GE - Jack Welch).

  • Organisational diagnosis.
  • Strategic alternatives.
  • Processes: characteristics, roadmap, maturity assessment (ISO 15504).
  • Organisational framework and toolbox.
  • Lean Six Sigma to increase process efficiency.
  • Project management: characteristics, stakes, success drivers.
  • Strategic alignment.
  • Action plan.

M6: Global risks management:

Standards, risks matrix, in-depth analysis of more than 12 risks types.

M7: Change management & innovation.

  • Incubators: ideagora, crowdsourcing…
  • Enabling methodologies.
  • Collaborative technologies.

We can provide customised training programs aligned with business targets, while respecting a framework duly agreed with our customers during preparatory sessions fixing:

  • Business      priorities (quality, costs, project management, communication...)
  • Guidelines,      corporate values.
  • Agenda and      deadlines.
  • Practical      issues.

Languages: French or English, with possibility to interact in Luxemburgish and German. Please contact us for a full description of each component

Lifelong Learning Center